Hearing Protection

Hearing Protection

Loss of hearing within the manufacturing and related industries is on the rise and there is a wealth of options when it comes to protecting your ears during your workday. Hearing protective devices are available in many types, styles and configurations. Each workplace has a different noise level, and some simple steps to take to evaluate if your workplace is too noisy or not may be the following: you have to yell or shout to be heard by a co-worker; you hear a ringing or humming sound when you leave work, or you in fact suffer temporary hearing loss when you leave your job for the day. Three simple, yet very important items can be the difference in maintaining the overall quality of your hearing. We have a massive assortment of different hearing protection items that will suit every type of workplace and noise level. Call us today to learn more- you'll be glad that you did.


  • Uncorded earplugs- huge variety
  • Corded earplugs- many styles & choices
  • Pre-shaped earplugs
  • Disposable earplugs
  • Earmuffs- many styles & noise-blocking types to choose from!


3M™, EAR, Moldex®, Howard Leight, Honeywell®, Safety Zone

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